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Mayrhofen Dairy - "Erlebnis-Sennerei Zillertal"
Tyrol's first adventure dairy. On 6000m² visitors can experience at first hand the processing of milk, do a little bit of shopping at farmer's market, explore the exhibition farm, or enjoy delicious products at the milk-bar and a restaurant with spacious, covered terrace.

Viewing of the Stillup Reservoir in the Stilluptal
Enjoy this piece of nature and experience Austria at its best. The Stilluptal lies in the Zillertal Alps Nature Park and is the shortest of the four side valleys with approx. 17 kilometres.

Glacier Hintertux
3000 meters above sea level, skiing all year round - unique in Austria ... Experience a dream in white

Panorama journey „Zillertaler Höhenstraße“
The Zillertaler Höhenstraße is one of the most beautiful alpine roads in Austria and offers every visitor a splendid ride up to a height of 2020m with their own car, by coach, by bus or even by bicycle.

steam engine „Zillertalbahn“
An impressing original, the narrow-gauge railway in the Zillertal

timber heating plant „Feuerwerk Holzerlebnis Welt“
Experience the fascination of wood. Seminars and conferences, art & culture, galas & events, as well as guided tours through the most up-to-date and economical biomass heating plant.

Gold Mine "Goldschaubergwerk" in Zell am Ziller
Feel how the inward of the mountain lives and learn about 350 years of culture in an impressive multimedia presentation in the mine.

Silver Mine "Schwazer Silberbergwerk" in Schwaz
The "mother of all mines" promises you an exciting journey into the history of Europe.

Krimml Waterfalls
The Krimmler waterfalls are the fifth-highest waterfalls in the world with their impressive drop of 380m. With approx. 350,000 visitors a year they are one of Austria's most visited sights.

Planetarium at Königsleiten
The Sternwarte in Königsleiten opened in 1996; in 1997 it was supplemented by a Zeiss Planetarium (as the highest planetarium in Europe in the Guiness book) with 7m astrodome diameter.

Planetarium Schwaz
The Planetarium is a multimedia entertainment, cultural and educational institution that has its own special charms for every professional and age group.

Swarovski Crystal World
A water-spouting giant, which moves the viewer with his magic into his inward, where miracle chambers sparkle beacons of fantasy, has managed to become a globally recognized icon with more than 9 million visitors.

Farm museum "Tiroler Bauernhöfe"
Traditions, architecture, appliances and fences show life forms that have been largely suppressed and have gradually fallen into oblivion. Fourteen farms from the different valleys of Tyrol were removed and built up in the lspacious museum area.
Proin pellentesque ullamcorper ipsum. Sed tincidunt tincidunt mi. Vestibulum magna wisi, vehicula eu, ullamcorper et, egestas in, tortor. Vestibulum interdum, massa in faucibus laoreet, tortor massa congue ligula, et feugiat elit mauris nec enim. Phasellus pellentesque tellus nec nisl. Mauris dignissim iaculis leo. Maecenas id lorem. Aenean tortor eros, dignissim eu, vehicula id, dictum eu, neque. Maecenas nisl. Proin dui lacus, aliquam eget, volutpat vel, aliquam quis, velit. Proin neque. Etiam turpis odio, tincidunt id, accumsan tincidunt, mollis a, nibh. Donec porta.

Hotel Garni Almhof
Familie Elisabeth und
Ferdinand Moigg
Laubichl 141
A-6290 Mayrhofen
Telefon: +43.5285.6 29 32
Telefax: +43.5285.6 29 32-20